Monday, November 30, 2015

Halloween, 2015

2015, Model Magic, Craft Foam, and an abundance of Wood Glue
This year I deviated from the cyborg theme to bring you...whatever this thing is. It was imagined as a cat, then morphed to maybe an angler fish, and I think I ended up at dinosaur.

Like last year I couldn't see where the heck I was going, so I had to improvise.
I think poking holes in the hood underneath really took away from the overall effect, but I wanted to actually see both the Halloween parade and where I was going.

It was made with a base of craft foam, sculpted over with Model Magic, and sealed/strengthened with layers and layers of wood glue. I would not recommend this method to anyone (I knew there was a reason I stopped using Model Magic in grade school). The jaw was articulated, and made a satisfying snapping sound when I closed my mouth quickly. 

There are some less than thrilling pictures of the hands under the cut too, for those who are interested.
It's hard to tell from the pictures, but I'm wearing a nylon glove made out of sheer tights, which I then painted details onto.
The fingertips, like the head, were made of model magic. They were glued under the glove for security, with a hole for the nail to poke out of.
In this image you can really see the fake fingertips under the glove. Not too bad looking in the dark, but they get ugly with a camera flash.

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