Monday, July 10, 2017

Shellmet Completed

Pipes are added, and the shellmet is complete! 

The dials I made in Photoshop. They look fine from a distance, up close they're a bit more noticeable. 

Crackle paint and sand

I love the corroded, crusty texture of old metals and did my best to replicate it here. I read about mixing sand and glue together for it, which is so obvious I'm sort of embarrassed I didn't think of that myself. It's fun to squish it around, and I didn't have spend time trying to get neat seams between the pieces of foam.
The edges of the shell have a bit of crackle paint for more texture variance.

You can only see out of the first set of lenses.
Despite its size it is one of the lighter helmets I've made. The shell is cardboard, the pipes are craft foam. And the whole thing is covered in around 20 layers of paint (I was painting this thing forever).

It's a little goofy and clunky from the back but I love it anyway.

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